trust_all_plugins = false -- change to true to trust all the plugins
warn_if_not_trusted = false -- change to true to show warnings
-- Lua initialization (sandbox) --> please read comments carefully.
-- Default initialization supplied with version 3.80.
Use this to create a "sandbox" for safe execution of non-trusted scripts.
If you only run your own scripts or plugins then you may not need this.
The code in this area is executed after each Lua script space is created
but before any of your scripts are done. This can be used to initialise things
(eg. load DLLs, load files, set up variables) or to disable things as shown below.
By setting a function name to nil you effectively make it unavailable.
You can remove some functions from a library rather than all of them, eg.
os.execute = nil-- no operating system calls
os.remove = nil -- no deleting files
os.rename = nil -- no renaming files
This script will automatically be replaced if you completely delete it from
the Global Preferences, and restart MUSHclient. To avoid this, leave a comment
in (if you don't want any further action taken).
-- Example sandbox --
function MakeSandbox ()
local function ReportDisabled (pkg, func)
return function ()
error (string.format (
"Function '%s.%s' disabled in Lua sandbox - see MUSHclient global preferences",
pkg, func), 2)
end -- function
end -- ReportDisabled
--package.loadlib = ReportDisabled("package", "loadlib") -- disable loadlib function
package.loaders = nil-- disable DLL loader
package.loaders = nil-- disable all-in-one loader
for k, v in pairs (io) do
if type (v) == "function" then
io = ReportDisabled ("io", k)
end -- type is function
end -- for
local orig_os = os -- so we know names of disabled ones
-- replace 'os' table with one containing only safe functions
os = {
date =,
time = os.time,
setlocale = os.setlocale,
clock = os.clock,
difftime = os.difftime,
for k, v in pairs (orig_os) do
if not os and type (v) == "function" then
os = ReportDisabled ("os", k)
end -- not still active
end -- for
if warn_if_not_trusted then
ColourNote ("yellow", "black",
"Lua sandbox created, some functions disabled.")
end -- if warn_if_not_trusted
end -- end of function MakeSandbox
-- default is to sandbox everything --
-- To trust individual worlds or plugins, add them to the lists below.
-- To find your current world ID, do this: /print (GetWorldID ())
-- Plugin IDs are mentioned near the start of every plugin.
-- You can limit the behaviour to specific worlds, or specific plugins
-- by doing something like this:
-- World IDs of worlds we trust - replace with your world IDs
-- (and remove comment from start of line)
local trusted_worlds = {
-- ["a4a1cc1801787ba88cd84f3a"] = true,-- example world A
-- ["cdc8552d1b251e449b874b9a"] = true,-- example world B
-- ["1ec5aac3265e472b97f0c103"] = true,-- example world C
}-- end of trusted_worlds
-- Plugin IDs of plugins we trust - add your plugins to the table
local trusted_plugins = {
[""] = "", -- trust main script (ie. if no plugin running)
["03ca99c4e98d2a3e6d655c7d"] = "Chat",
["982581e59ab42844527eec80"] = "Random_Socials",
["4a267cd69ba59b5ecefe42d8"] = "Installer_sumcheck",
["83beba4e37b3d0e7f63cedbc"] = "Reconnecter",
}-- end of trusted_plugins
-- check worlds
if not trust_all_worlds then
if not trusted_worlds then
if warn_if_not_trustedthen
ColourNote ("yellow", "black", "Untrusted world " .. WorldName () ..
", ID: " .. GetWorldID ())
end -- if warn_if_not_trusted
MakeSandbox ()
end -- not trusted world or plugin
end -- not trusting all worlds
-- check plugins - check name *and* plugin ID
if not trust_all_plugins then
if trusted_plugins ~= GetPluginName () then
if warn_if_not_trustedthen
ColourNote ("yellow", "black", "Untrusted plugin " .. GetPluginName () ..
", ID: " .. GetPluginID ())
end -- if warn_if_not_trusted
MakeSandbox ()
end -- not trusted world or plugin
end -- if not trusting all plugins
end -- local block
-- warn if we can't load DLLs (checkbox might be unchecked)
if not package.loadlib and warn_if_not_trustedthen
local by_this_plugin = ""
if GetPluginID () ~= "" then
by_this_plugin = " by this plugin"
end -- this is a plugin
ColourNote ("yellow", "black",
"Loading of DLLs" .. by_this_plugin .. " is disabled.")
end -- if
我把这些整个都删掉了 !~这样可以吗 回复 12# hanlinjiang
等你以后了解了,可以再去添加沙盒配置 行了 你的那个没问题了 我吧里面的东西都删除了!~现在好了!~我目前手头的一些机器不会影响使用吧 比如领悟的 跳楼的 我目前测试了下 学习的 朱熹的还有路径都没有问题 谢谢喇叭哥不厌其烦的教导!~~ 回复 14# hanlinjiang